April 24, 2020 3 min read

Welcome to the third edition of INSIDE RUMPL where we give you a behind the scenes look at the problems we’re facing, the solutions we’re building, and the team that makes it all happen. For the third installment, we’re going to introduce you to Kristen Petsche, aka KP, our graphic designer. KP joined the team in 2017 and has designed everything you see when you come to Rumpl.com - from emails to blanket prints to the website, retail installations and packaging.

Who Is KP?

I am from the outskirts of Portland, OR, though I've called a few other West Coast cities home. I grew up on about forty acres with fifty-something different farm animals. My parents always encouraged my sister and me to get outside and be active, and I definitely developed my appreciation for the outdoors because of them (except for cleaning stalls).

Kristen Petsche and her dog at Smith Rock Rumpl

KP & her dog Harley at Smith Rock.

Q&A with KP

What brought you to design... and Rumpl?
I started my college career thinking I wanted to do Civil Engineering. I spent two years at the University of Washington working my butt off, applied to program, and didn't get in. It was a good lesson in failure, and I knew throwing myself 100% into a new direction was my only choice. Jumping into the graphic design program felt like a complete 180 and was a scary move at the time, but I can't imagine doing anything else now.

Out of college, I started working jobs in the outdoor industry and realized the people and the lifestyle were unmatched. I got connected with Rumpl through a friend in SF, loved how design-centric the brand was, and saw my place there. I moved with the company from SF to Portland, and it's been over three years now, whew!

What do you do at Rumpl?
I'm the Design Manager at Rumpl, so I'm tasked with making sure everything outwardly facing matches the brand. This means I ensure creative across emails, web, print and events all have the same look & feel. Day to day, I'm jumping between multiple projects, creating emails, site graphics, print inserts, packaging, and sometimes a blanket design or two. I've also been known to show up in a few Rumpl photoshoots. ;)

Kristen Petsche wrapped in a Rumpl blanket on a patio
Two people in a camper van wrapped in a Rumpl blanket
Couple enjoying beers on a patio wrapped in Rumpl blankets
What's been your favorite project?
I'm proudest of our site redesign a few months ago. It was a huge project, and I really think it leveled us up in terms of maturity. People see the work that we do and think we're a bigger company than we are. It's nice to see that effort be validated.
Using our blanket as a canvas and working with artists and designers like Aaron Draplin for our R.A.D programhas been fun as well. So exciting to see the hype build around a product launch.
Inside the Rumpl office designer Kristen Petsche

How's quarantine going?
These past few weeks have been about adapting. We've had to adjust product launches, messaging, and learned how to work remotely as a team. As a designer, I sometimes feel more productive at home as I don't have a constant tap on my shoulder or office distractions. I do miss the collaborative aspect and the quick exchange of ideas than can happen with in-person interactions. I think my dog is pretty bummed about not being able to go to the office too.

What do you do when you're not working?
I usually try to get outside as much as possible. In the winter, I swap the rainy city for snowy mountains and hike or camp with my dog every weekend when the weather gets nicer. These days of keeping it close to home I'm trying to find some new hobbies, like long-boarding. Wish me luck!

Yert covered in snow

Last ski trip before quarantine.

KP Skiing Mt. Bachelor

Mt Bachelor, OR

KP and Harley at the Oregon Coast Rumpl

Oregon Coast

What's your favorite Rumpl product?
I'm a sucker for all of our Fades. Not quite a print, but not quite a solid either, it's just easy on the eyes.
Woman wrapped in outdoor blanket Rumpl at Golden Gate Park

Stay cozy, friends.


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