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August 12, 2024 2 min read

To wrap up our three-part blog series, Behind The Design Of The All-New Original Puffy Blanket, Jeff and Alina from the Product Design and Development team are back once more to tell us what's so special about the new roll-top stuff sack.

Q: Let's jump straight to the point. Why did you retire the drawstring closure?

A: Alina: "Drawstring closures are a thing of the past. They make packing difficult and compression lackluster.

The Original Puffy Blanket is your versatile recreation insulation. It's meant to be easy to use everywhere by everyone. Improved compression was not the goal but a byproduct of honing in on the packability. We learned through consumer feedback that most people prefer the stuff-your-blanket-in-the-sack method versus the fold-and-roll method. To meet our consumers' needs, we added length to the stuff sack, which in turn, made it easier for the stuffers among us to pack their blankets."

Q: I thought you said the new roll-top design improved compression, but you just said you added length to the stuff sack. How is that possible? 

A: Alina: "Once your blanket is in the stuff sack, the roll-top design allows you to apply pressure and compress your blanket. Once you clip the buckles, the blanket stays locked in place. If you tried the same method with a drawstring stuff sack, no matter how much pressure you applied, the blanket would ultimately rebound to fill the empty space."



Q: As someone who isn't a product designer, what features does the roll-top stuff sack have that I may overlook?

A: Alina: "'Ssssrrrrip' is a noise everyone fears when shoving gear into a stuff sack. The vertical seam running up your roll-top stuff sack is reinforced stitching, so you can shove your blanket in its sack with as much force as you like without concern of a tear.

Another commonly overlooked feature is the stiffeners. What's a stiffener? When rolling up your stuff sack, you may notice rigid webbing at the top. Those are the stiffeners. Many stuff sacks and dry bags have a single stiffener. When you add two stiffeners, one on either side, packing up your blanket becomes easier by keeping the two sides together as you roll."

Q: Is there anything else Rumpl fans should know about the roll-top stuff sack?

A: Alina: "A result of having a stuff sack design where you roll and then clip is that the top creates a handy handle. This handle feature makes toting around your Original Puffy Blanket that much easier, whether you prefer carrying it in-hand or clipped to your pack."

And now you know why The all-new Original Puffy Blanket is everyone's favorite blanket. Now grab your roll-top stuff sack (with your blanket inside of course) 'n go outside. We'll see you out there.