Advocating Ethical Conduct

Rumpl drives to a high standard of ethical behavior and expects that our
suppliers do the same. Rumpl requires that our suppliers conduct business
in an ethical and legal manner. It is necessary that our suppliers comply
with both local and national laws and regulations. Our suppliers must not
offer or accept bribes or kickbacks in any form from representatives,
government officials, or other parties in association with Rumpl or our
Rumpl 倡导高标准的道德行为,并希望我们的供应商也这样做。Rumpl 要求供应商以道
向业务代表、政府官员或任何与Rumpl 公司或产品有关联的其他各方提供或接受贿赂、
Freely Chosen Employment
All employees within Rumpl’s supply chain must be employed of their own
will and by their own choice. Rumpl’s suppliers must never use forced labor,
whether in the form of prison, slave, bonded or any other form of compulsory
所有在Rumpl 供应链内的员工都必须是按照员工个人意愿和选择雇佣的。Rumpl 的供
Rumpl prohibits any form of workplace discrimination and requires our
suppliers to do the same. Our supplier shall not subject any person to any
employment discrimination, including in hiring, in compensation and
benefits, advancement, termination or retirement based on race, color, sex,
age, religion, national origin, disability or any other protected status as
established by law.
Rumpl 禁止工作场所任何形式的歧视,并要求我们的供应商也这样做。我们的供应商不

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
Rumpl’s suppliers must recognize and respect the rights of employees to
associate, organize and bargain collectively in a peaceful and lawful manner
without penalty or interference. Our suppliers shall not obstruct or penalize
such lawful activities.
Rumpl 的供应商必须承认并尊重员工在不受惩罚或干涉的情况下,以和平、合法的方式
Foreign Migrant Worker Protection
Rumpl is opposed to all forms of human trafficking and require the same of
our suppliers. In order to prevent human trafficking and ensure fair
treatment of foreign migrant workers, they should be treated equally with
that of local workers except where specified by law. Rumpl requires suppliers
to have a written policy regarding their treatment of foreign migrant workers
and keep proper documentation including the requirements of fair treatment,
payment of employment eligibility fees, payment of transportation costs,
repatriation and any requirements under country law. Our suppliers are
expected to communicate their migrant worker policy in the worker’s local
language to ensure that workers are aware of their rights.
Rumpl 反对所有形式的人口贩卖,并要求我们的供应商也这样做。为了防止人口贩运和
Rumpl 要求供应商建立关于外国移徙工人待遇的书面政策,并保留适当的文件记录,包
Zero Tolerance for Child Labor
Rumpl opposes all forms of illegal use of child labor. Our suppliers must only
employ people who either meet the local legal minimum age for
employment, meet the age for completing education requirements in the
country of manufacture, or are at least 16 years old, whichever age is the
Rumpl 反对以任何形式非法使用童工。我们的供应商必须只雇用符合当地法定最低就业
年龄的人,满足在制造国完成教育要求的年龄,或至少16 岁的人,以年龄高者为准。

Harassment and Abuse Prevention
As in our own company policies and culture, Rumpl requires suppliers to
treat all employees with respect and provide a working environment that is
free of physical, sexual, phycological, and verbal harassment and abuse,
retribution for filed grievances, and corporal punishment. Suppliers shall
have confidential employee grievance mechanisms in place to ensure
workers can raise issues without the fear of intimidation or retaliation.
作为我们自己的公司政策和文化,Rumpl 要求供应商尊重所有员工,并提供一个没有
Fair Wages and Benefits
Rumpl suppliers must pay each employee at least the legal wage and
applicable premium rate for overtime in accordance with local law. In
addition, the supplier must provide all legally mandated employee benefits.
Suppliers must also provide employees with written accounting for each pay
period and may not deduct or withhold wages or benefits for disciplinary
Rumpl 的供应商必须根据当地法律向个员工支付法定工资和适当的加班费。此外,供
Reasonable Hours of Work
Rumpl promotes humane working hours. Our suppliers shall meet and
comply with all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to working hours.
Suppliers must operate in a manner that promotes humane, safe, and
productive working conditions. A minimum of one rest day for every seven-
day work period is required.
Rumpl 提倡人性化的工作时间。我们的供应商应符合并遵守所有与工作时间有关的法律
Championing Health and Safety
倡导健康安全Supplier Code of Conduct
Rumpl champions a safe and healthy working environment. Rumpl suppliers
must provide safe working environments and must comply with applicable
laws and regulations regarding working conditions, including any cafeteria or
housing requirements. Suppliers shall support safe and healthy working
conditions to promote the general health of employees and reduce the
chances of workplace injuries and illnesses.
Rumpl 倡导安全健康的工作环境Rumpl 供应商必须提供安全的工作环境,并遵守有关
Environmental Responsibility
Rumpl works towards minimizing our environmental footprint and requires
our supplier to do the same. Rumpl suppliers must comply with applicable
environmental protection laws and establish and implement a system to
minimize or eliminate the negative impacts of its processes and practices on
the environment. Rumpl will actively work with our suppliers on
environment impact reduction through the use of recycled and low impact
materials and other supply chain related best practices in this area.
Rumpl 致力于最化我们的环境,并要求我们的供应商也这样做。Rumpl 供应商
影响Rumpl 将积极和我们的供应商合作,通使用回和低影响材料及其他