April 09, 2020 2 min read

As part of Rumpl’s partnership with Climate Neutral and our own internal sustainability initiatives as an office, we commit to a volunteer day at least once a quarter. It gives us an excuse to step away from our computers, get out in nature, and walk the (sustainability) talk. Our NW Portland HQ is conveniently located steps away from the nation’s largest urban forest. We teamed up with the Forest Park Conservancy to do some seasonal tool maintenance, so the other volunteers and workers have the proper equipment come spring trail cleanup.

In early March (before subsequent quarantine orders), our team gathered on a chilly morning at Lower Macleay Park along with a team of brewers fromPortland Brewing. Fueled by  Water Ave Coffee, the team got to work washing and sharpening tools. It’s possible we got a little over enthusiastic about getting perfect edges, but hey, somebody’s gotta do it, and the promise of Life of Pie lunch after kept us soldiering on.

At 5,200 acres, Portland's Forest Park is one of the largest urban forests in the United States. The Forest Park Conservancy maintainsmore than 80 miles of trails, fire lanes, and forest roads The tools we prepared will be used all season by the small number of FPC staff and countless volunteers to protect and maintain the ecology of the park and keep it open for recreation.

Learning that was the Conservancy’s final volunteer event before things shut down indefinitely, we feel grateful that our jobs allowed us to spend the day outdoors productively. We are thankful in Portland for our access to immense green space and fresh air - it’s something we surely don’t take for granted, especially during this unpredictable time.